Alan's Overview Tour Part 2

Active Investing

Alan Hull - Active Investing - Take control 

"Take Control"

By Alan Hull

When I look around me today it is of little surprise that the average investor is often paralysed by confusion. There are too many choices, too many opinions, too many financial products and numerous specific and non-specific books and websites on investment.

Active Investing is my response to this confusion. Average investors want to profit from stock market investments by making their own decisions, without risking the family home or their hard earned savings. They want to be hands-on when it comes to managing their share portfolios. They want to be Active Investors.

Active Investing requires less than one hour per week to implement and combines (or takes into consideration) many different types of investment techniques into one fluid approach. There is a degree of validity to every method being employed by investors and traders and Active Investing acknowledges this reality by taking everything into consideration.

The best way for me to describe Active Investing is in a video presentation where I can show you the charts to explain exactly what I'm talking about. So here is a playlist (a series of 6 videos) where I discuss each step of the Active Investing process. If you watch the entire playlist (about 30 minutes) you will have a good grasp of what the system is all about. Click play to begin and all 6 videos will play automatically in the correct sequence. Once playing, you can fast forward to the next video using the controls that will appear in the upper left corner.

Thank you for watching!

The Active Investing newsletter has been running since 2001 and is one of the longest running newsletters of its kind in Australia. You will find more information about the system on the Active Investing webpage. You will also find detailed course notes to download.

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In the next part, we will discuss charting techniques and ALAN HULL TV - Alan's video newsletter. Part 3 will arrive in your inbox soon!

Previous articles in the tour: 


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